+ Is sleep training difficult?

It certainly doesn’t have to be. At Sleep & Potty Co.® we work with expert-proven sleep methods and training. We are available and ready to answer all your questions and help your baby adapt as we create tailored sleep plans that build healthy sleep habits for your kiddos. Long story short, none of this needs to be overwhelming or feel endless. We’re here to make sure it’s not.

+ Is it possible to sleep train a newborn baby?

Sorry to break it to you but you can’t sleep train newborns right away! They’re a little too little and need to eat too frequently. But don’t freak out. If you’re asking yourself this question that means you’re ahead of the game. And it definitely means that sleepless nights are not forever. Together, we’ll get your newborn up to speed and ready to learn how to fall asleep and stay asleep independently (crazy enough this is totally something babies can learn and adapt to as they grow). So the first few months are crucial to lay down some groundwork. From tips on how to set up a proper sleep environment, to tracking appropriate sleep times during the day, our sleep plans cover everything parents need to know as they prep their babies to become next-level olympic sleepers.

+ When will my baby start sleeping through the night?

Sleepless nights are nothing to joke about. And the annoying and honest answer is, every baby is different. But most experts agree that babies between the age range of 3 - 6 months are able to master a full night’s rest, and can snooze for about 8 - 12 hour stretches. We kid you not.

+ You’ve read the books and nothing is working. What’s a sleep consultant gonna tell me that the books haven’t already?

We hear you. And to be honest, we thought the same thing, until we saw firsthand the incredible results of sleep training. The sleep struggle is real, and exhausted parents turn to the Internet, family, friends, subreddits, fortune cookies, literally anything that will help them get through the night. We’ve been there. But when it comes to sleep, the truth is every baby is unique. Which is why our tailored sleep training plans are made for every individual kid. We don’t believe in creating generic templates. No one-size-fits all. When it comes to your baby, we work with you directly to understand your babies needs and meet them where they are —not where others expect them to be.

+ Do you use the Cry It Out (CIO) Method (also known as the Extinction Method)?

No we don’t. Letting your baby “cry it out” as a sleep training technique involves putting your baby to bed and allowing them to fuss or cry until they fall asleep — without help from parents. In our opinion, this doesn’t help you or your baby get to sleep. At Sleep & Potty Co.® we practice other tools and methods of sleep training that don’t involve the CIO Method. Our Sleep Training methods are made to be gentle for both babies and parents, while still delivering the results you want. All with less stress.

+ Will my baby cry while I sleep train them with Sleep & Potty Co.?

The answer to this question truly depends on your baby’s personality and temperament. But most experts agree, when your kiddo is over 3 months old crying is gonna happen. There’s no avoiding it. When learning something new, like how to sleep through the night, babies get frustrated and tired —just like adults. Crying and fussing is how they communicate (...just like some adults). When it comes to crying, we want to always ensure that it’s short-term and not stemming from a need they’re trying to communicate. With Sleep & Potty Co. Sleep Plans, we are accessible and with you every step of the way, sharing with you exactly what to do and what not to do to ensure your baby will learn to love sleeping.

+ How do you know when your kid is ready for Potty Training?

The potty is a big deal. And when it comes to readiness, your kid has to be both physically and mentally ready to take the plunge. A Sleep & Potty Co.® consultant will work with you and your kiddo to see whether they’re ready, before you buy our Potty Training package. We want to make sure you and your little one can successfully conquer the porcelain throne, but only when it’s the right time for them. We promise this approach makes things easier. When you wait and let your kid show you they’re ready, this process can instill confidence and independence that lasts a goddamn lifetime. Who woulda thought number two could make your kid feel like number one.

If you want to know whether your little one is ready, contact us and we’ll help you figure it all out.

+ What if I don’t live in San Diego. Can we still use Sleep & Potty Co.’s services?

Yes! Sleep & Potty Co.® has worked with parents around the country and are totally accessible, regardless of your preferred method of contact (via phone, video calls and e-mail).