
“Everyone should have kids. They are the greatest joy in the world. But they are also terrorists. You’ll realize this as soon as they are born and they start using sleep deprivation to break you.”

— Ray Romano

When your baby is born, your world changes forever.


You read the books. Maybe you even took classes. Then they’re here, and this baby is everything you could have dreamed of and more. Until you bring them home… and your dreams become nonexistent because you haven’t slept in days. Those dark circles under your eyes start to feel a little more permanent...

That’s where Sleep & Potty Co.® comes in. Because parents aren’t supposed to know how to do everything.You didn’t leave the hospital with a manual. No books could have prepared you for this new role, regardless of what other people may have told you.

Which is why we’re here. As a baby sleep and potty training consulting firm, our job is to help get your baby to sleep through the night, and your kids up and onto the potty. It’s possible. And it’s okay to need help. We’re the experts. It’s what we’re here for. Well rested babies are happy babies. And happy babies mean happy parents (trust us when we say this.)